A new training center on diplomatic protocol has been opened at the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan


On February 18, 2024, the opening ceremony of the new training center “Diplomatic Protocol” was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the country's diplomatic corps and heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan.

As is known, a specialized training center was created in accordance with the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, signed on December 11, 2023. The fundamental objectives of the new center are the successful implementation of large-scale reforms in the field of education, the training of qualified diplomatic personnel in accordance with international standards, capable of representing the interests of Turkmenistan in the system of international relations.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan noted that this new structure within the Institute, in fact, is a training and application center in which students will not only master theoretical knowledge, but also be involved in practice in organizing and conducting protocol events, multilateral international forums, taking into account that visits of heads of state, government, parliaments, and foreign ministers require a lot of preparation and skillful protocol work.

Along with this, R. Meredov emphasized that the Head of State and the National Leader of the Turkmen people pay special attention to the successful integration of Turkmenistan into the global system of international relations through diplomacy, including the ability to adequately represent their Motherland in the international arena, as well as the practice of holding high level of major international meetings and events.

In this regard, such an approach to increasing the level of training of our diplomats in organizational and protocol work is one of the elements of state policy and directly its external component.

While familiarizing himself with the upcoming activities of the Center, the head of the foreign ministry also expressed gratitude to the heads of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations for their many years of contribution to the development of the protocol and diplomatic activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan by providing opportunities for Turkmen diplomats to study in foreign specialized institutions.