Meeting of the President of Turkmenistan with the heads of German companies

Today, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is taking part in the second meeting of the heads of Central Asian states with German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Astana, held a meeting with representatives of the business circles of the friendly country.

Warmly welcoming the head of the Turkmen state, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection Michael Kellner expressed the deep interest of the German business community in expanding traditional cooperation with Turkmenistan in a number of promising areas. As noted, such increased attention is due to both the accumulated positive experience of many years of joint work and the favourable conditions created in the country for foreign business.

Warmly welcoming the heads of major companies and members of the official delegation of the friendly country, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction the growing interest in Turkmenistan and the expansion of the framework of bilateral cooperation, as clearly evidenced by the representative composition of the participants of today's meeting. 

Renewable energy, transport and communications, chemical industry, textile industry, agriculture, transition to a «green economy», innovations and technologies were highlighted as priority areas for further development of cooperation.